We create unique and custom made infographics. All elements, the creative concept, icons and illustrations, are made from scratch by us. more…
We create unique and custom made infographics. All elements, the creative concept, icons and illustrations, are made from scratch by us. more…
Portfolio: Logos and Identities created by Cubby’s Going Home. watch…
Cubby’s Going Home mini exhibition at Sams Espressobar, Hornsgatan 142, Spring 2020.
For the Urban ICT Arena Summit in Kista 2017–Not Boring Flic Button.
Rollups for Urban ICT Arena Summit exhibition and conference in Kista, 2017.
In the spring 2017 we explored and developed the Smart City setting for Urban ICT Arena at Kista Science City.
The american ambassador Azita Raji and the swedish minister of enterprise Mikael Damberg where among the receivers.
The short movie was shown on monitors in Kista Galleria during december 2016.
In 2016 the Cubby´s Going Home team made the cat P as a complement to the Urban ICT Arena graphical profile.
Branding in a city street (Kista) in december 2016.
We made: the illustration, the graphic design, the character, the copy, the idea and strategy for the project and the pop-up technology solution.
A special asymmetric and irregular version of our Small Friends are temporarily licensed to the webdesign company Äkta Fejk.